Thursday, September 26, 2024

Seasons Haiku

 -------Seasons Haiku-------

Neither cage 
nor chains

Can stop the revolution.

taking form.


Friday, September 20, 2024



Leaves turn 
their inner color

As the light begins 
to change.

Like them 
I trust the spirit

That moves us 
each and all

With the earth 
and to the rhythm

Of goldenrod
and Fall


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Heart Medicine

 -------Heart Medicine-------

To appreciate 
the rose hip

Is to give 
ourself to Autumn

To the song and sway 
of the ever-changing

And the medicine 


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Free 'Em All

 -------Free 'Em All-------

There are some 
locked up 
because, like seeds,
they hold a righteous knowledge

A light within 
that shines upon
the source of pain and plunder

A politic 
of food for all,
a dream 
that each can prosper.

To fight for them 
is to prepare
the garden for the seed.
