Monday, June 23, 2014

Toward the Summers Solstice

-------Toward the Summers Solstice-------

The glory of true beauty is that it's found in everyone and everything.

No soul is beyond the capacity to love or be loved, 
no sadness without a subtle remembrance of the complementing joy. 
It is in the silence of words that go unspoken 
and the fertile roots of our garden weeds.

We were all born with the purity of heart 
and so forever have it in our blood.

And as is with the heights and depths of each solstice, 
beauty is ever-moving and persistent by nature,
when the difference between is let go
and we fall in love.


Monday, June 16, 2014

As They Know the Roots that Make Them

-------As They Know the Roots that Make Them-------

Where the earth is fertile roots go deep,
and when roots go deep
the stronger branches become;

and those are 
able to hold fruit
heavy with the sweetest kind of love.

Birds flock and children swing
to and from
what they trust the most,

and like the Mother, our own little earths
bear the trust and
tend toward fertility,

without any effort to remember
but rather just to let and allow
the seed to grow.

As we know already the roots that make us.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Quiet Road Between

-------The Quiet Road Between-------

There is no line
between Spring and Summer;

only an air sweetened by wild roses,
cottonwood cotton and dandelion clouds.

If we can, for just a moment,
set aside our assumptions of time,

and take a walk
down a quiet road,

we might just remember
exactly where it is that we need to be.


Monday, June 2, 2014

The Lovely Hearted

-------The Lovely Hearted-------

It is not luck or un-luck but
the content and quality of one's character
which comes to being.

Magic will always be real
to the Lovely Hearted.
