Monday, September 28, 2020

English in Amerika


-------English in Amerika-------


White nationalism 

is not 

to be taken lightly


But there is something laughable

in the hypocrisy 

of a settler shouting,


"go back to where you come from"


In the tongue

of another





Monday, September 21, 2020

Red Sky


-------Red Sky-------


The smoke 

has travelled 

a great distance


To remind us


We are 




And so I ask


Of all 


who can


To breathe


To fill yourself 

in every moment

with the Earth's sweetness




For all 

of those 

who cannot.




Monday, September 14, 2020

Know Peace


-------Know Peace-------


There will be 

no peace

until there is a reckoning


No balance

without first 

a power shift.


Mother Earth is showing us by fire, 

by sickness

and murder


The so-called normal

has not 

been working


And it is time

for things 

to change.


It is time, white men,

to be humble,

to be courageous


And to forgive

the power 

that we have taken


So that everyone


know peace.




Tuesday, September 8, 2020





As the structures who plunder 


and land

begin to fall apart


Let us 

be planting seeds

and tending the gardens 

of our past 



So that 

one day


very soon


Joy and abundance

may rise up

and fill us 


like Autumn ripened fruit.




Tuesday, September 1, 2020

To Whom We All Return


-------To Whom We All Return-------


A true love can bridge 

the furthest 

of distances


Across rivers and lifetimes, 

through autumn 

and evergreen mountains.


True love 

is the land 

we each come from


And the Earth 

to whom 

we all return.

