Monday, September 28, 2015



A moment
Perspective renews.

Purpose. Prejudice. Time.
All our world has ever known
is tonight but

golden shadow
upon the stars.


Monday, September 21, 2015

Remember Kisses

-------Remember Kisses-------

This morning, upon the regular path,
the regular cobblestones, 

the regular voices,
seemed, with a newness, to shimmer.

Maybe it was the youth of Autumn
playing with the light as it does.

Maybe it was the dream of meeting in the hemlock trees;
dark and moist, the fragrance of decay

that lingers with me still 
as I walk.

I think of you
and I stop to watch a leaf fall, 

slowly, a hundred feet 
in the air to the ground.

I remember 

and color 
returns to the shadows.

There is so much 
to notice.

There is so little 
to truly know.

We are empty
and ever-changing.

No matter how 
we see it.


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Bean Harvest

-------The Bean Harvest-------

The momentum of progress slows 
in the mind of those 
who hear the threshing sticks,

who have seen the dance 
shake loose a hundred seeds 
borne from one.

A promise turns to an Autumn wind 
and carries the empty pods 
into a meadow of golden rod, 

gold and green
the callused hands
the rhythmic earth

together manifesting 
a memory 
of home.


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Space Between Us

-------The Space Between Us-------
 Within the space
between time
and distance
A chestnut falls and grows
a thousand
What then
are age and separation
to soulmates?

But a body
not yet
the stars.


Thursday, September 3, 2015

Your Treasure Chest

-------Your Treasure Chest-------
You need not work so hard to prove yourself,
for you are
worth nothing, Dear One.
Ambition alone
will sell your body to a cause;
your mind unto heroism;
your focus down the barrel of whatever weapon it is that you hold.
But the diamond
in your chest
cannot be bought.
You are strong, Soldier,
and braver than most.
So come home.
Come in
to where your bravery,
and strength and ambition
may meet with empathy,
And replant these hillsides
left rootless
by the lonely merchant
of war.
