Monday, February 23, 2015

I Walk at Night

-------I Walk at Night-------

The Oldsmobile lumbered 
over the edge of its driveway 
like a fat caterpillar.

Before it turned, 
back-heavy and wabbly, 
down into its hole for the night,
it stood still but shaking and stared at me,
with its yellow eyes,
like I were a hungry crow.
I slowed my step 
and put out my hands 
to show the old beast I was just a boy.
I could hear its body shiver
as it considered my gesture;
to trust.
A second, 
then satisfied,
it turned over the edge 
and safely into home.
As I walked through the dim, red smoke 
behind its passing, 
I felt like I was leaving a dream.

I walk at night 
because in darkness is a world
that I cannot see in the light.


Wednesday, February 18, 2015



The Pickle is cultured by its surroundings;
its flavor being a unique expression of play 
between herbs and salt, air and water, matter and ether.

The human being who is honest
takes in from the world what is right for them
and brings to life the beauty they hold already within.

It's funny to relate our condition 
to that of plants,
but it would be silly not to.


Monday, February 16, 2015

Singlepenny Nails

-------Singlepenny Nails-------

Singlepenny nails, 
a mirror cracked 
and I a wounded man.

For a long time 
I have hung my world atop cheap ideas
and hopelessly wished it would hold.

For too long 
I have looked to others to tell me who I am,
and fashioned a vanity from their observations.

For too long 
I have carried a heavy-framed, broken reflection of myself;
a reflection I have built and is not me.

I have grown up, 
sought comfort in passivity and violent places,
and known the pleasures of life.

But I am 
just now, learning 
again how to live.

I want to be, 
to know 
and see myself in all things again.

I want to make love 
with more 
than just my body.

To sow seeds 
and to grow 
like the forest does.

I want to live fully in this world 
so that I may, one day, 
die at home.

Towards this 
is my work; 
my art.

It is who I am 
and who 
I will always be.


Monday, February 9, 2015

From a Winter's Tale

-------From a Winter's Tale-------

The spring comes like morning does,
quietly up from the darkness of Winter's tale,
across the sheets, into our fields 
of the clover and grasses still covered in snow.

We lay down in the dawn, shivering together.
Not from cold, 
but reacquainting with that old feeling 
of the air on our skin.

Those first few moments are like childhood;
not a fear nor worry in having enough; a kind of trust within
that starts the seeds to turn themselves
and returning songbirds song by song.

The light rises
and breaks the edge of the world,
from pieces into one,
and it all begins again.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

In Ripples on the Snow

-------In Ripples on the Snow-------

Outside it's quiet and it is still,
but the winds of last night remain 
in ripples on the snow.

Magic tugs on a parents eyes
while their kids go about playing
like it's always there.

It is safer 
to stay inside, in away 
from any chance to slip and fall upon the ice.

It is safer to hide the fear away within oneself,
and to curse the frozen world outside
without taking the chance to feel it first.

But out there, we find
in the cold and wind, and ice and snow
that there is much more to life than living safely and afraid.

Our courage is out among those rippled patterns;
a courage to face the ideas we have of what is real,
of how to feel and how to live.

To step outside of what we know 
is to invite in 
the beauty of what we don't.
