Monday, March 28, 2016

Through the Night

-------Through the Night-------

Up in rhythm
sound the horns
the red bud opens
a world is born.

Silver Maple, willow
and rose
color awakens
the hidden

Every end begins 
leaf on earth
the model cover.

Layers of time
layers of light
a band of stars
plays through 
the night.


Sunday, March 20, 2016

From a Dream

-------From a Dream-------

Springtime reflects 
off the lakes still water.
A perfect mirror
to every cloud,
and song
emerging from sleep.

To the peeper's choir
set beneath a long 
yellow willow, 
we woke 
with wonder in our eyes,
entangled in blankets 
and each other,

Like the world 
from a dream.


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Granite Hills

-------Granite Hills-------

I have left many thoughts 
to these granite hills.
Out of my pockets
and my hair they fall
upon cold, wet earth
into the cracks of coming Spring.

I let go what I must to heal,
stepping to the rhythm of growth.
And as the sun rises,
a beautiful, green leaf
from the darkness.


Sunday, March 6, 2016

Our Song

-------Our Song-------

The moment between
a note and 

A perfect emptiness 
by a seed.

The Drummer's hand lifts,
dawn strikes the mountain
and we unfold.

Leaf by leaf,
the song
