Monday, December 28, 2015

The Earth Turning

-------The Earth Turning-------

Our lives spin around
upon a fine 
and fragile point.
Over and over.
The tide turns a broken bottle into sea-glass.

I have walked through graveyards in Spring,
down dark, forgotten trails
lined by nettles and wineberry,
over hills, alone
and into hollers,

and I have been kissed
by the greatest 
this world 
has ever known.

The sun will rise, no doubt.
If you sit quiet
you can feel 
the Earth 


Monday, December 21, 2015

Longest Night

-------Longest Night-------

From the longest night
a beautiful, little seed
rises with the Sun.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Rose

-------A Rose-------

need not be 
just a thorn,
but a gentle reminder
to take care
with the awesome 
at hand.


Wednesday, December 9, 2015



Know me
as I know myself
better in the garden.
Forgiving my name to the Earth
and my plans to the movement of the seasons
I dig
bare-handed and grateful to the cold
for this chance to feel.

I am here
and very far away
seeing and unseen
like a memory on the surface
crouching humbly before death and life
and planting seeds
into a thousand years
of rebirth.

This is spirit taking shape.
Know me


Sunday, November 29, 2015

A Tavern

-------A Tavern-------

When the entire world is your best friend
solitude becomes a tavern
where we meet
and prayer
the wine we drink together.

I am not alone here.

Quiet, yes, 
and waiting for your golden presence 
to fill the doorway.

I will smile
and we will dance into a spiral,
atop chairs and tables built by patience, 
forgetting the time,
until the whole room fills with light.

And we collapse.

Side by side.
At home.


Monday, November 23, 2015

A Light Through the Cracks

-------A Light Through the Cracks-------

A waxing moon takes over the sky tonight,
   like a great heron's wings,
unwilling and

Upon an air of joy
   we slip through the cracks
   out across 
      this beautiful land.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Without a Name

-------Without a Name-------

Without a name
I step across the line that makes me human;
forgiving my purpose to everyone 
and everything

Please, Dear World, 
do not mistake my absence for betrayal,
for I seek communion in solitude,
as the empty sky is filled with stars
of a kind we cannot ever see.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Atop the Water’s Edge

-------Atop the Water’s Edge-------

Night is quiet before the frost
as if the lake swallowed every song 
and holds them
for the morning

When mist performs an alchemy of sound
for all those who convey the song
and for all those 
who listen.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Into Light

-------Into Light-------

To be free of this skin 
for just a moment.

Into light 
or a grain of sand.

The moment 
becomes eternity

and I

what I have 
always been.


Monday, October 26, 2015

Dear Moon

-------Dear Moon-------

You've come back, dear Moon.
Light of a revolution.
   and loving 


Monday, October 19, 2015

An Autumn Prayer

-------An Autumn Prayer-------

Nightbirds tag along beneath the silver moon.
A shimmer of Winter.

At dawn,
I walk into the woods,
down, along a hill

of red and golden maple,
into mist and amber dreams
where the beeches hold the green.

I do not wish to hope,
nor to be still
while the world counts down the days.

I wish 
to fly with the seasons
so gently and quiet,

as a leaf 
I pray.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015



There is a tree inside 
this little seed;
a forest
in a

Solidarity speaks in rhythms 
of Autumn;
the pieces fall 
and rise 
to meet the whole 

A forest


Tuesday, October 6, 2015



My desire to be alone
is no match to this starry night.
For I cannot help but feel
that I am dancing
with the whole,

Slowly turning
hand in hand
   in petal
      in claw.
A promenade
the sun.


Monday, September 28, 2015



A moment
Perspective renews.

Purpose. Prejudice. Time.
All our world has ever known
is tonight but

golden shadow
upon the stars.


Monday, September 21, 2015

Remember Kisses

-------Remember Kisses-------

This morning, upon the regular path,
the regular cobblestones, 

the regular voices,
seemed, with a newness, to shimmer.

Maybe it was the youth of Autumn
playing with the light as it does.

Maybe it was the dream of meeting in the hemlock trees;
dark and moist, the fragrance of decay

that lingers with me still 
as I walk.

I think of you
and I stop to watch a leaf fall, 

slowly, a hundred feet 
in the air to the ground.

I remember 

and color 
returns to the shadows.

There is so much 
to notice.

There is so little 
to truly know.

We are empty
and ever-changing.

No matter how 
we see it.


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Bean Harvest

-------The Bean Harvest-------

The momentum of progress slows 
in the mind of those 
who hear the threshing sticks,

who have seen the dance 
shake loose a hundred seeds 
borne from one.

A promise turns to an Autumn wind 
and carries the empty pods 
into a meadow of golden rod, 

gold and green
the callused hands
the rhythmic earth

together manifesting 
a memory 
of home.


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Space Between Us

-------The Space Between Us-------
 Within the space
between time
and distance
A chestnut falls and grows
a thousand
What then
are age and separation
to soulmates?

But a body
not yet
the stars.


Thursday, September 3, 2015

Your Treasure Chest

-------Your Treasure Chest-------
You need not work so hard to prove yourself,
for you are
worth nothing, Dear One.
Ambition alone
will sell your body to a cause;
your mind unto heroism;
your focus down the barrel of whatever weapon it is that you hold.
But the diamond
in your chest
cannot be bought.
You are strong, Soldier,
and braver than most.
So come home.
Come in
to where your bravery,
and strength and ambition
may meet with empathy,
And replant these hillsides
left rootless
by the lonely merchant
of war.


Monday, August 24, 2015

Dominique Christina

-------Dominique Christina-------
Your work is like a Yarrow seed that seeks the battered earth to set its roots into.
Its tiny, fragrant flowers and leaves becoming
to reflect the nature of the medicine within;
a tonic for the blood
that has thickened in the veins of this country.
Your work is the vocation of a poet walking
barefoot across stones to the spring.
A truth of word and water pure draws the light from its source
and into a cup,
for us all to share.

Dear, brave resistor
I thank you for not going passively through this life
but rather for filling your seed pouch
with its many graces
and healing our wounds with your voice.


Monday, August 17, 2015

Good Medicine

-------Good Medicine-------
I speak about emptiness and sorrow
not because I am sad,
but because I feel a deep need to go
where I have been told I shouldn't.
This is not
mischief out of anger,
but a resurrecting
from ignorance.

I am a rascal in love,
picking weeds
in the dark
to make us tea.