Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Remain in Light

-------Remain in Light-------

Just one moment of Gratitude
is enough to know
that it will always be there, 

for you and I,

a most simple of ways
to remain in light
on the cold and snowy days.


Monday, November 17, 2014

Means to Meditate

-------Means to Meditate-------

It's only us
we fear the most.

Fear in thought
create the ghosts.

A frenzied stress;
forgotten peace.

Give the mind to rest;


Tuesday, November 11, 2014



Gather your bones, Brother,
your strength,
and stand up to that bully which is Guilt.

Throw your arms 
around its puffed-out chest 
and hold on tight.

For it wants nothing to do 
with the Loving Kind 
and it will fight to keep 

the Act of its Becoming a "mistake" in your mind,
for you to dwell over 
and tire out all the good you have ever done.

Give it power with blame and doubt.
Make it bigger than it needs to be,
and Guilt will bury you in your own despair.

take the Act as the beginning 
of a chance to practice righteousness:

let go protecting your pride
and the judgments 
which tie you to regret;

with all you are 
just one memory of contentment,

and commit your every day
in bringing to life that peace you have known, 
and can know again.

Persistence alone through grief
will build the Will,
but soon your arms grow tired.

It is True Love
and a Perfect Faith
that goodness is at the heart of everything, 

which will hold you hugging the Beast
until its eyes 
and anger soften.


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Despair and Its Hope

-------Despair and Its Hope-------

A night witnessed 
the shouting grow too loud for a boy to take,
and I put a hole in the wall.

A wall 
in the home 
that for years had held me like a son

and I now too weak 
to bring to life those memories 
of playing and joy within it.

It's the lonely, 
violent side of sorrow,
depression is,

and but one form 
taken by complacency
under the rule and demands of another.

Isolating oneself in this way 
from the world
is not the principle of solitude shared by the mystics,

but it is on what vice 
and the injustices which act upon them 

Being told for too long what to do
frustrates the mind to anger
with a fist,

and holes are driven
into and across
the earth.

and many holes later
I still hold that sorrow.

But it is its other side - of
humility and compassion,

that I now let guide 
what I do with my hands -
to make a place for seeds to grow 

and faith to forever remember
that every problem 
we will ever know

on its back 
its own solution.
