Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Tinder of Dreams

-------The Tinder of Dreams-------

Bonfire Spring in magic land
and starlight the tinder of dreams.
We sat in a circle, 
all kin to that moment,

and raised up joy, 
like cups and glasses, to the middle
and the flames shared us whole,
edge-less and radiant.

It touched our faces.
It touched every leaf on the hill.
And when the wood ran low
we passed, by hand, a bottle of desert fire

and sang old songs to keep our inside warm.
A toast to youth
   and embers
      and nighttime.

An ode to the great, wild emptiness
we've all become again.


Monday, May 18, 2015

More Than Just Water

-------More Than Just Water-------

More than just water fell last night,
and it touched the soul of the garden in a way
I could never with buckets and a well;
Highers rhythm,
pit-patter upon broad-leafed drums,
left a drop of heaven on the tips.
I held her closer and said nothing,
only listened, while the smell of white, wild roses
welcomed us back home.


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Like the Heron Stands

-------Like the Heron Stands-------

Stoic but pride-less
and great, blue angel wings tucked aside, 
without ambition
       like the heron stands
and the river carries on.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Other Places

-------Other Places-------

When the old house has gone,
and the ones who brought us into 
and along through this world so far
have found their way 
to other places,

we will know 
that home 
is anywhere 
we need it 
to be.
