Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Winds

-------The Winds-------

When the strong wind comes 
and scatters
all the things 
we have been holding

Lift your vision to the trees,
to the branches
who once, too
held golden leaves

And see, like it was 
the first time,
the empty forest
filling with light.


Monday, August 22, 2016

Openings to Autumn

------- Openings to Autumn-------

All around
the hills are opening and turning gold
as each leaf,
one by one,
reveals its hidden color.

Allow the shame you hold against your heart
to be a light that breaks you open
and know that you belong here,
with all the other leaves.


Monday, August 15, 2016

You Who Seek the Change

-------You Who Seek the Change-------

As the desperate and stubborn 
dig in their heels

May you who seek the change
be like the mist 
that holds the light in morning,

And illuminate 
this complicated forest

With the grace of your presence
and the sincerity
of your questioning.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Right on Time

-------Right on Time-------

Put aside the date for a moment
and let this morning touch you
with its stillness
and its grace.

The golden light reflects 
off a herons wings
as Autumn begins
right on time.


Monday, August 1, 2016



Hearing may report 
the rumbles of thunder
and eyes the darkening sky.

But just knowing the signs of rain
will not keep you 
from getting wet.

Like this,
kind words alone 
can do only so much for pain.

But a heart filled with love
will be your shelter
through any storm.
