Tuesday, January 29, 2019

This Place

-------This Place-------

Be present
to this place,
Young Blood.
For those of our past
have not gone.

The light they shared
into this world
is held among the trees,
in these streams
and stones,

through the attention
we give
to here.

The Earth
has swallowed a seed
and from its belly
the light
is rising,

Moving through us,
like sugar from the roots,
into leaves
and in
to forest.


Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Re-membered by the Tides

-------Re-membered by the Tides-------

The Sea 
does not forget 
those souls
she takes 
into her waves.

For the shoreline
is shaped through their prayer
and presence
is held 
in blue,

Forever re-membered
by the 
and breathing
of the moon.


Monday, January 14, 2019

Made of Prayer

-------Made of Prayer-------

are stories.
Their keepers
are the word.

And they 
who plant
lets them
be heard.

For each of us
is made 

Of the land
and water 
and light 
and air.
