Tuesday, March 31, 2020

All We Are

-------All We Are-------

Supremacy implies duality
and this
the breaking of a law.

To put up walls around another
is to put words 
in Gods mouth.

For the Stars
see us
all as one

And the Stars
make Us all 
We are.


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Children’s Songs

-------Children’s Songs-------


The songbirds are calling,
the peepers peeping
and from out the darkness
a golden seed emerges.

There is beauty to behold 
inside anything 
that is changing.
And attention 
is a cracking of the shell.

We are not alone
nor lost,
though told we might become
if the world were to let the Earth back in.

But Mama loves,
and reminds us with the children's songs
that everything we could ever need,
is already here
before us.


Monday, March 16, 2020



There is an absence in this world 
that will not be filled 
by worldly things.

A silence 
to be sung.

May the hoarders learn 
from the seed keepers
to never take too much

And to hold our children's 
forever in act and thought.

Do not be afraid 
of being 

For there is sustenance 
in sunshine,
sweet freedom in the trees

And there is 
for everyone.


Wednesday, March 11, 2020



Do not deny
the sunlight 
that is joy,

The chance to unfold your leaves
and breathe 
into this world.

That which moves through us
without effort
is a gift
from the creator,

To re-member 
and share 
its fruit 


Wednesday, March 4, 2020



When the good Earth
shares with us

May we 
receive this as reminder

To take 
no more
than what we need,

To plant
new seeds

And forever
the friend who feeds us

In the fullness
of our attention.
