Wednesday, July 29, 2020




How can a country built on theft

of land and stolen labor


Continue to this day to claim

it is home 

of the brave and free?


There is a reckoning

in order


A time for love and reparation

to be that anthem 

of which we sing.



Tuesday, July 21, 2020



What is it 
you protect 
and serve?

Whose order 
do you

For we can see 
your armor,

Behind your badges 
the game -

The white and rich
have got 
your favor,

Turned you 
on the Earth
and poor.

But please 
you are a person

Bone and blood
like the rest 
of us

Able to choose
and to

Your weapon
for your


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

An Ode to Abolition

-------An Ode to Abolition-------

It is not
so much
an absence

But a presence
for which
I dream.

For a world without violence,
without fear
or "other",

Can only be
if first 
there is intention

To love
in a revolutionary


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Presence to Longing

-------Presence to Longing-------

If there is something
that you
are longing for

An absence held within

Be still 
for just 
a moment

And with your presence listen.

Paying attention
is an offering
of great affection

An acknowledgement to Life's abundance

And a gift
for both seer and 
the seen.
