Wednesday, May 26, 2021

With a Flower


-------With a Flower-------


Turning away 

as the world is burning

or when another is being hurt


Allows the violence 

to spread 

like fire


And endangers 


of us.


Peace is not indifference

nor is it the absence 

of confrontation


It is those 

who refuse 

to turn away


Guided by spirit 

and doubtless 

in their direction


Resisting as a means 

to bring each other 



Like dandelions 

breaking through concrete 

with a flower. 




Wednesday, May 19, 2021





I prefer not to think 

of the knotweed 

as menace


But imagine their persistence 

as a reflection 

of some need


Like a deep 

welling thirst 

that draws me to water


I dig


I listen


To what this wise

and generous plant

is sharing.




Monday, May 10, 2021





One among 

the many gifts of plantain


Has been their 



As a guest here

to adapt


To not take over

like others have


But to find a place

among the grasses


And the herbs whose home

this has been 


For a time 

much longer.


I too 

am a guest here


A great grandchild 

of the european conquest


Taught to follow

in the white man's footstep


But slowly 



Unlearning myself 

from that path.



Saturday, May 8, 2021





When the shame 

rises up 

and tempts me with silence


I remember 

how the chickweeds grow



to the unattended,

the abandoned and mis-treated


Where the plow has torn

and the earth left bare


I can hear them 

in their sweet way 



"You are not wrong, 

my love,


Please trust me


my being here


Is affirmation 

of your worth".

