Wednesday, October 25, 2023

These Hills

 -------These Hills-------

The hills 
are lightened 
by a forest of color

As if 
to remind us

It need 
not be

That difference divides 
but helps us see 

The beauty 
in each
and every being.


Friday, October 20, 2023

Love Work

 -------Love Work-------

 a hopelessness 
overwhelms me

And sometimes 
I remember

The seeds I tend 
in this 
small garden

Have roots
and roots connect

Through time and space
the dreamers 
and dreams

Of a world 
where all are needed,

And cared for,
and safe.


Friday, October 13, 2023

Upon Each Other

-------Upon Each Other-------

has a way 
of making

Heavy things 
feel lighter

As if the world
did not rest
on us

But we
upon each other.


Thursday, October 5, 2023

Changes in Autumn

 -------Changes in Autumn-------


The darker getting
of the days

Brings about

Our brightest 
