Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wars of Separation

-------Wars of Separation-------

It is the balance of things 
we must unlearn ourselves 
back towards.

We've been taught 
to take sides, to favor one hand over the other,
in towns separated by color, and schools awarding trophy's to intelligence and athletes,
to console the vices of pride.

We've grown to pledge allegiance 
to one god, 
one country, 
and intolerance for another's.

We have created the imbalance 
by creating a way to measure difference,
justifying our wars and our charity 
upon this idea.

Somewhere within this short amount of time, 
the World broke into three, 
and today the Third manifests a sickness 
of the First one's dis-ease;

for money will not prevent Ebola, 
nor hunger, nor homelessness;
for it is the accumulation beyond necessity 
which begets imbalanced wealth and poverty.

True philanthropy is a willingness not only to give, 
but to receive;
just as those who listen,
will be heard.

So be calm,
be quiet, 
smile and
accept difference as beautiful.

As we all must
let go 
to balance.


Monday, September 22, 2014

Easy Does It

-------Easy Does It-------

The efficiency gained by any advance in technology
will never compare to the ease
and ultimate productivity
of letting go to every desire to advance.

The higher we build,
the further we get from our roots.
The more we develop,
the more burdens we create.

To again know
the richness of simply living
will take progress in the other direction
than where we have been told.

There's no paved road
to take us
where we need to go;

no new seed
that could feed us better
than those passed down from a time before poison would fake fertility;

no written law
to defend the justice deeper
than the righteousness inherent to our nature.

There is nothing beyond
what we already have,
and everything we will ever need
needs only to be uncovered.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Unity, ME

-------Unity, ME-------

the constant draw
to forgive.

our common


Monday, September 8, 2014

Before Charity, Let Us Sit Together

-------Before Charity, Let Us Sit Together-------

It will be a celebration like none other
when the Philanthropists stop giving
and accept that their charity will not cure the trouble 
that their ignorance persistently creates.

Then, upon hearing what the world actually needs from them,
they will join the Masses at their table for a feast,
that their innate likeness and presence together 
has prepared.


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Say Its Time

-------Say Its Time-------

The world is sick and we are the creators of its dis-ease.
We have made the poison we feed our children 
and the wars begun of fear in our own heads.
Forests have turned to dust under our watch.
Rivers black from the runoff of hubris.
We have used our gift of reason to justify sterility 
in science and oppression under law, 
passively succumbing the masses to poverty.

But for every injustice another soul commits to righteousness,
and the polarities and balance of our very nature
allow the capacity to create dis-ease to be also the capacity to re-create ease.
It is time to let this light rise in our hearts,
to feel the peace of simplicity again,
to do good with all we have.
