Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wars of Separation

-------Wars of Separation-------

It is the balance of things 
we must unlearn ourselves 
back towards.

We've been taught 
to take sides, to favor one hand over the other,
in towns separated by color, and schools awarding trophy's to intelligence and athletes,
to console the vices of pride.

We've grown to pledge allegiance 
to one god, 
one country, 
and intolerance for another's.

We have created the imbalance 
by creating a way to measure difference,
justifying our wars and our charity 
upon this idea.

Somewhere within this short amount of time, 
the World broke into three, 
and today the Third manifests a sickness 
of the First one's dis-ease;

for money will not prevent Ebola, 
nor hunger, nor homelessness;
for it is the accumulation beyond necessity 
which begets imbalanced wealth and poverty.

True philanthropy is a willingness not only to give, 
but to receive;
just as those who listen,
will be heard.

So be calm,
be quiet, 
smile and
accept difference as beautiful.

As we all must
let go 
to balance.


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